Protect your family with the Life Ledger & Dorothy House partnership
You will probably know first hand how tough it is to deal with paperwork after a death. Wouldn’t it be a relief if your family did not have to go through the same ordeal?
With our Register a Life portal, you can store all your important documents and account information in one place. Everything will be right at their fingertips when they need it most.Â
And the best part? It’s only £1 a month – that’s just £12 a year! Your small contribution helps us keep offering our vital services for free to families like yours. If you are in end-of-life care, then this service is completely free.
- Half of your membership fee goes toward supporting your hospice

- Your subscription fee is split 50/50 with Dorothy House Hospice Care every year
50% of your subscription goes directly towards helping your hospice
While the other 50% will help us keep this a free service to anyone who is terminally ill or in end-of-life care.

We are thrilled to be working with Life Ledger, offering additional assistance to individuals in end-of-life planning and delighted that this partnership will also benefit the hospice.
We provide palliative and end of life care to adults (18+) with a progressive, treatable but not curable life-limiting illness or with severe frailty, and also their family (including children) and carers.
We care for people across our 700sq mile catchment area which covers Bath & North East Somerset (BaNES), and parts of Wiltshire and Somerset. Our services provide physical, psychological and/or spiritual support, and are free of charge. We’re available day and night to ensure that you have the right care, at the right time.
When someone is ill, it’s not just the patient who is affected. Life can be turned upside down for the family and for friends and carers. That’s why we’re here for you, for as long as you need.
Dorothy House
As seen in
Safe, secure & ready
We specialise in closing down the accounts that you have with everyone from banks and building societies through to utilities, insurers, pension providers, streaming services and social media. Ensure everything is organised and waiting for your family to access when it is needed.
A little simple preparation now will reduce the stress and burden on your famil7 and friends in the future.

A single place to help your family after you have gone
- Make sure you have everything in one place, from accounts that you will need to closed to important documents including:
- Will
- Life insurance policy
- Funeral plan
Involve the people that matter the most
Make sure your family know that you have an account with Life Ledger and that everything they need is here.

Sign up now
50% of your subscription goes directly to helping your hospice each and every year
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